Sunday, May 6, 2007

A little bit of landscaping.

This weekend I did my best to procrastinante a little more and not work on my seminar-- ok, so I worked on it some... and I have a week yet.. so I will be ok.

On Saturday my friend Leah and I drove down to King of Prussia for the day. She'd never been and it seemed like a good way to spend the day-- so off we went. I managed to get a little bit of new makeup. I really like this bare minerals stuff-- it doesn't seem to set off my acne and it is pretty much idiot proof to put on, so a great combination for me! So I picked out a new eyeshadow ( a glittery green called "envy") and a new blush called glee. Yay. Meanwhile Craig and Mike (Leah's fiance) went to see Spiderman 3, they gave it pretty bad reviews. We all went to dinner at Romano's Macaroni Grill afterwards and they make really wonderful bread! We topped it off with a walk to Maggie Moo's -- YUM, seriously wonderful ice cream. I got carrot cake ice cream with teddy grahms mixed in- DELICIOUS!
Today we got a little bit of landscaping done-- so here are some pictures!

Craig pulled out the plastic edging I had in and built me a lovely brick-- this should keep the grass out of my flower beds and make it easier for him to mow right up next to them. Plus it looks great!

Here are some normal grape hyacinths I have planted.

And here are my mutant purple cauliflower hyacinths. I have no idea what happened. About 1/3 of my grape hyacinths came up looking like this! They still smell lovely and are a pretty color- they are just pretty weird looking!

This it the back of our garage (the side that faces our house). We planted the lilacs (the tall shrubs) and the burning bushes (the short shrubs) and a handful of white mums (the tiny shrubs in front of the bushes) last year. Today we added the trellis and a clematis to help conceal the ugly grey electrical conduit we had to have to get electricity in the garage. Here's hoping it works-- if nothing else though, I am thrilled that the $1.50 salvaged clearance lilacs from lowes are looking perfect!

This time we found a great tree in the clearance stash at Lowe's-- A Japanese Red Maple. We'd been looking for some sort of "small" decorative tree for the front yard, and there it was! We put it in much to the amusement of our old lady neighbors who thought it was very very funny to be planting a tree (I have no idea.. they are out on their porch all day, I think maybe they were laughing at Murphy trying to "help") So we now have a new tiny tree in our yard. Hopefully it makes it, but in the worst of cases, it was only $3-- so we can't complain too much! The grass is all brown patchy because we were patching the sod with parts we dug up. The Murph does a number on the grass-- I think he must pee straight hydrochloric acid or something. Anyway, we took advantage of the healthy grass we had to dig up to patch a bunch of bad spots in the yard.

That was our weekend, off to try out a new recipe. I will share if it is any good!


MotherB said...

It takes a lot of love to make a house a home. And a lot of sweaty weekends too. Lucky for you and Craig, you have both.

S. said...

Wow, you guys were busy! The edging and flowers look great, and those lilacs will be beautiful! wanna come over to our house now, we have lots of yard work to do!

I will have to try that makeup. Sounds right up my alley.