Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Craig's Birthday

Today is the dear husbands birthday, if you ask him, he is turning 21-- but first thing he said this morning when he woke up. "I'm old, you're married to an old man" So I think the big 30 is hitting him a little bit.

I made peanut butter brownies with chocolate frosting to cheer him up-- stay tuned for a review on those.

If you see him, Wish Craig a Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

More Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Some lingo for the Pirattitude impaired to help with the celebratin' of the day.

Ahoy! - "Hello!"
Avast! - Stop and give attention. It can be used in a sense of surprise, "Whoa! Get a load of that!" which today makes it more of a "Check it out" or "No way!" or "Get off!"
Aye! - "Why yes, I agree most heartily with everything you just said or did."
Aye aye! - "I'll get right on that sir, as soon as my break is over."
Arrr! - This one is often confused with arrrgh, which is of course the sound you make when you sit on a belaying pin. "Arrr!" can mean, variously, "yes," "I agree," "I'm happy," "I'm enjoying this beer," "My team is going to win it all," "I saw that television show, it sucked!" and "That was a clever remark you or I just made." And those are just a few of the myriad possibilities of Arrr!

Hopin' you and your crew have a good mug of grog to toast the day!

Its International Talk Like A Pirate Day!!!

More later (time for me to check what crawled out of the bung hole)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Wegmans wonderful wegmans!

Mechanicsburg PA now has a brand spanking new Wegmans! YAY! Thats only about 25 minutes away. They opened Sunday, guess where I was?? That's right, I dragged Craig along to the food mecca for a gloriously piggish tour of the new store. It was a ZOO.

But, excepting the mobs of people-- we enjoyed our trip. First, at every corner there were free samples... fruit, fresh mozzarella (my biggest weakness), bagels with LOWFAT!! scallion cream cheese, breads fresh from the oven-- you name it.

Amazingly, we did not do TOO badly there-- We came home with Prima Donna Cheese (extra aged, super delicious)-- and half gone from dinner, red pears (organic, but tasty which was why we chose them), tiny new red potatoes, pencil thin asparagus (that was 1/2 the price Giant has wanted for their monster thick ones for the last month!), paella rice, DIGESTIVE COOKIES!!!! (best things ever, and even the chocolate coated ones!- got hooked on those in Spain), two fresh breads--- one a loaf of ciabatta and one a foccacia like-spinach parmesan bread (sampled that one twice!-- also half gone from dinner last night)-- Then Craig found the deli counter-- We got some yummy looking (but not allowed for me) salamis and then I saw they had lomo. Lomo is a Spanish cured pork loin that you slice for sandwiches and stuff. Its a whole tenderloin rubbed with pimenton (smoked paprika) and garlic and some other stuff and then dry cured--- the texture is jamon serrano or prosciutto like--- but YUM. They also had jamon and prosciutto-- the poor jamon hadn't been sliced at all, and if I could have justified eating it (or the price) I would have taken some home with us. But-- all in all a super successful and amusing day at Wegmans.

I hope to get back in a few weeks and check it out more carefully when it is not such a nut house-- we couldn;t get into the prepared food section at all, cheeses were SWAMPED, and I couldn't even SEE the butcher/seafood counters-- another time though-- because now its just 25 minutes away!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

YAY! I'm getting a new niece!

Craig and I got some exciting news yesterday-- Craig's sister and her family got the referral for their adorable baby girl who is currently waiting for them in Vietnam. We are both hoping for them to get over there quickly and bring her home for good! (And really, she is adorable... fuzzy haired and wide eyed--- I saw the picture!)

So yay to the whole family down there-- we're so very happy for you guys!

In other family news-- Christina is having a rough go of it-- so if you can spare a few minutes to say a prayer for her and my little brother-- they'd both really appreciate it!

Oh! And today marks 15 weeks pregnant for us! So far so good.

Friday, September 7, 2007

100 days...

So today marks 100 days pregnant.
Not that this is any particular milestone, it just made me remember back to my senior year of HS when 100 days before commencement the headmistress would hold a dinner/picnic to celebrate our coming graduation. It was a good picnic, I have pictures of me on a hammock at the headmistress's house cozied up with her black and white mongel mutt (he was a cute thing, and I was VERY VERY pet deprived at boarding school) I have pictures of 10 of my closest friends piled into a red picnic table on the lawn eating dirt. The head of the kitchens made us that special dessert in hand painted flower pots-- which we got to keep-- with gummy worms and edible REAL flowers-- there is something funny about girls at 17 and 18 dangling pudding coated worms to eat and it makes me smile to remember how young we were and how everything was soo exciting back then. I still keep in touch with some of those gals... not too often any more, but thinking back on senior year and those last 100 days-- I know I was a pretty lucky kid to be able to be in a place like that and make all the nutty wonderful friends I did. I'm lucky in that my HS does all the arranging for alumnae events, and they are VERY good at it-- so we all still have current addresses and twice a year updates on where and what we are all up to. I'm hoping that some of us may be able to get together at Thanksgiving to go watch some of that demented basketball known as Brownie-Spider.

Grad school goes on and on with no predictable end, so there is no "100 days" dinner in sight for this period... but that's just the way it is, plus I think a lot of the people I know in grad school would not be as entertained with "dirt" as a dessert (all the sadder for them!)