Saturday, May 31, 2008

Maybe she'll be a gardener when she grows up?

Hrm... or is it "landscape architecht" these days... who knows! Our other guess is perhaps lighting design cause my goodness does this kiddo love light fixtures. Screaming fits can be ended by allowing her to look at the dining room "chandelier". hahah... she's a riot.

OK, on to the photos.
The munchkin was into visit me at work and I sat out on the lawn with her because it was a nice day... she reached off the edge of her blanket and ripped up a handful of grass...
Look what I got!

Do you think I can eat this?

Grass is not so yummy!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sam and Katie!

Katie got a brand new buddy a couple of weeks early this weekend. On Saturday, Sam was born! I got a couple pictures when we went in to meet Sam and his parents at the hospital.

Have you ever seen 2 prouder Daddies?

Or 2 happier ones?

A big congrats to the new parents! Sam is so teeny--- he makes Katie look like such a bruiser! But he's just perfect and I am so glad you guys will be doing this whole parent thing along side us! (And I can't wait to see him at the shower this weekend!)

PS- Cody, you'd better watch out-- that's now 3 little boys vying for Katie!

Updates for the Month

Yes, time has flown-- and no blog posts--- sorry Mom! (hope these pictures help make it up!)
I had my first Mother's Day (which I spent sleeping and in the car) and my make-up mother's day which was wonderful. I even finally got my birthday lemon bars!!

Katie is 12 weeks old now... and on Tuesday she weighed in at 11 lbs! Where did that all come from????? She is doing wonderfully in every way. She smiles pretty often these days-- and though I've not had much luck capturing it on camera, she really just lights up.

Here are a couple pictures of the last few weeks with the kiddo!

Ellie was up to visit from Florida for Memorial Day --- we caught up for lunch! It was so great to see her-- I wish she still lived in Harrisburg so we could get out more often!

The peanut can push her self up pretty well these days... and from the way she's squirming those arms and legs.... I am sure she'll be mobile before we know it! (uhoh.... )Just an attempt to capture the grin!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Pictures from the Wedding

Craig's cousin Ryan's Wedding at the Ritz on Amelia Island. It was a BEAUTIFUL sunny afternoon... so we had to get some new pictures as a family (and of the little princess too!)

After the wedding we plopped the Tadpole down on the aisle of rose petals for some pictures-- and in some of the 9 million Craig took, she is not crying or grimacing and in some she had her eyes open and even smiled!
See! Like in this one... my favorite of the batch!
Isn't she the cutest thing ever?!?! Here we are assuming she was channeling a little Marilyn Monroe for the camera-- the breeze off the ocean caught her dress.
Katie dancing with her Daddy.
Katie with her Uncle Greg (her godfather) and her Aunt Maggie.

Pictures from the beach and Sliders

Off to the Beach at Amelia Island to visit the In-laws and go to a wedding.

Katies first day at the Ocean.. in a cute hat too! (goofy me, I forgot my swimsuit... boo)
As promised for my mom, Katie and I on the swingset at Sliders!
Me, Jane (Nana) and Katie
Katie looking too cute in her new hat (but slightly confused about the whole thing too)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

just a few quick pictures from the Florida Trip

I only have the one memory card at home with me... and its the one with the fewest pics.... but here are a couple of our day at the beach with Aunt Christina and Katie and a few from when we were stuck at dulles on the way home!

Katie in the ocean! (and this is finally a hat she is cute in!)

Mom, Katie and Aunt Christina at the Beach
Mom, Dad and Katie at the Beach.... Craig doesn't look burnt yet in this picture!

Stuck at Dulles for 6 hours--- here is Katies bodged together entertainment--- a dangling assortment of nonsense from our luggage attatched with velcro tie downs... she thought it was pretty cool!