Craig and I drove out to my parent's house in Ligonier on Friday night-- after a quick stop at Walmart to buy a fishing license from Derek-- the semi-breasted, nail painted, ear pierced, beared sporting goods clerk-- odd. Still not sure if Derek was a he or a she or somewhere in between. Best not to wonder I think. So then we are off to western PA with the dog and the cat. The cat does not like her carrier. AT ALL. She cries pitifully the whole time she is in there and claws desperately to get out. So after a little while I felt awful and we rolled the windows up and let her out of the carrier... turns out she is also terrified of the car trips. I should have guessed based on her reaction to the outdoors here, but the car was a lot for her. So she sat in my lap for 3 hours til we got there. She rolled her self over on her back stretched out her legs (one of them ending up jammed under my chin) and pretty much was content as could be--- as long as I didn't dare move or talk too loudly... ah... good thing she's a cute kitten and we already love her... she's a little pain the butt sometimes! Murphy was his normal needy self... he thinks he should get to ride in the front with us... so he spends the time drooling heavily on my shoulder and inching himself into the front seat (like we won't notice 100 lbs of dog suddenly on my lap!)
Saturday morning, Craig and my Dad leave at the crack of dawn to go fishing. Its trout season, and I want some trout! Here are a couple pictures of some soggy fisherman, and their haul! (Craig got only one -- but it was the biggest one!) And I got to bring them all home frozen to enjoy later!
The boys went fishing again on Sunday-- and it was a much nicer day out, here's a couple pictures of that. Craig didn't hook any trout on Sunday, but he did catch a whole bunch of bass-- you can see the one in the picture below. The guys did end up with 6 fish on Sunday though... and I helped out by gutting them. Did you know trout have teeth?!?! And they are kinda sharp little buggers too. Oh well.. in the name of the fish dinner than I will have now-- gutting them was the least I could do.
Trout "Recipe" (ok, so its not a recipe per say, but it is a tasty simple way to make trout)
One trout-- Split into "fillets"
Dredge the trout in seasoned flour (flour with a little salt and pepper)
In a pan over medium heat, melt a little butter (~2 T)
Saute trout in butter on one side and then the other until cooked through and lightly browned on both sides
Add capers (a good palmful, drained) and toss to coat with butter and heat through.
Remove from heat, squeeze in fresh lemon juice to taste.
Eat. (see... tough directions on this step)
And now a couple of gratuitous shots of the dog being, well... the dog. We stop every time on our way home at the little mom and pop drive in I worked in through college to get some ice cream. Murphy loves ice cream and so we get him a vanilla toddler cone. The tough part is convincing him to eat the ice cream FIRST and then the cone. He always wants to take two huge bites and be done, but that inevitably leads to a mess of ice cream getting dumped on the ground. This time didn't go too badly, and I managed to get him to eat about 2/3 of the ice cream before he bit the cone in half!
Sounds like a lovely weekend and some nice photos of the boys to go along with it.
I'm TOTALLY jealous Craig caught a fish...
I only caught one too craig (dont feel bad..) I let mine go though, cause it was early in the day and I figured I'd get at least a few more chances to catch something...STUPID FISH
Great pictures as well! Thanks for the post sis!
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