Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Foundation for a Better Life

The Foundation for a Better Life are the people responsible for all the really creative billboards and radio/TV ads you see around now promoting traditional values-- Perseverance, Courage, Love, Living your dreams, Forgiveness, Optimisim, Effort, Responsibility-- and many more. I highly recommend their website. This is a non-profit who will not accept donations, the only thing they ask is that you "Pass it on". So in that light, I am placing the link on the side of my Blog... and I recommend you check it out. The site has the bill board and ads-- but also a wonderful collection of quotes from all over the world about values and how to live them.

And these are the people responsible for the best ad ever!

(Picture taken from http://forbetterlife.org/be_inspired/billboards.asp?id=19)

1 comment:

MotherB said...

OK, so I'll go look at the website, but you know it takes a good bit for me to be impressed. Like the American Idol gives back thing is an organization that is involved with abortion counseling. And you know how cranky that makes me.