Thursday, November 6, 2008

Start of election season 2012?


MotherB said...

I could live with that. Or flip the ticket. Either way.

Others who aren't black: Michael Steele and Condaleeza Rice.

Now, post some photos of Katie!

Craig said...

Jesse does most of the posting.

MotherB said...

Saw this one today:

I'll keep my money, guns and religion. You keep the "change". Palin 2012

MotherB said...

Once again, let's get some Katie stuff up here. A distraction from the crazy stuff in life....

OBRNinNE said...

That's funny! Wait...not a joke? Hmmm...well, at least she's cute. Agreed on the pics of Katie...that's what I'm here for...hope you guys are well.

Anonymous said...

Why not? If Obama can make President with all his faults so can Palin.