"A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." –-Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address (1801)
I'm pretty sure he had it right. Not the ideals of "spread the wealth around" we're hearing about these days!
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A fair day's work for a fair day's wage. Simple concept.
All you have to do is work, probably work hard and for 40 years or more and you can be a success. Anyone can.
Spread the wealth! Spread the wealth! j/k!
Seriously Jefferson was a pretty smart guy. No argument about that!
Yay for socialism! Oh wait, I think I'm at the wrong blog. ;)
Explain this to me: How do you make poor people rich by making rich people poor?
You can't make poor people rich by making rich people poor, but real socialism isn't like that. Take the Norwegian example. There are some very wealthy people in Norway, but there aren't many very poor people. Yes there are higher taxes, but people look to the government to provide health care, pension benefits, and education. All that is equal across the board, but not everyone is the same, they just all start at the same place. The people my parents rented their home from were extremely wealthy, where as my father worked with quote unquote middle class people. It's not about preventing people from doing well, but simply ensuring that the country's resources are put to equal use, and that everyone, EVERYONE, has the same opportunity. Do I think that would work here in the US? No, we don't have the same work ethic or the same national culture of putting the greater good above the personal good. It just works for the Norwegians because they have a different culture than we do. One that I wish would work here in the US, but it conflicts with the concept of the American Dream, and thus it's not compatible with our culture.
Taxing us to support government programs is one thing and an arguable point for all of that. We are a Constitutional Republic and the Constitution clearly spells out what the federal structure is supposed to provide. Check out article 2 Section 8 of the Contstitution and remember, we are a nation of LAW.
The Democratic ticket is proposing taxing me to provide an actual check to those "behind me". Sorry. Let those behind me get up and get to work, like I do.
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