Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Visit to Annapolis

This past weekend we headed down to visit Becky and Garrettson in Annapolis. We went to my second Navy football game-- and I can at least say it was warmer than the last one-- wetter, but warmer. We had a wonderful time, and Katie stayed all cuddled up in my sling inside my raincoat! WE even invented the newest sport craze to sweep the nation-- Awning-sailing! It was one heck of a windy day!

Then on Sunday we went to walk around Annapolis and the Naval Academy. It was a beautiful day to be outside and we learned that Katie is just the right size to be a cannon ball. And, that she seems to like being inside artillery.... hmmmm... I am soooo in trouble with this kid. She had fun flirting with the pictures of midshipmen... yeah-- soooooo in trouble with this kid.

1 comment:

MotherB said...

What a glorious day Sunday must have been! Everyone looks wonderful!