Yes, time has flown-- and no blog posts--- sorry Mom! (hope these pictures help make it up!)
I had my first Mother's Day (which I spent sleeping and in the car) and my make-up mother's day which was wonderful. I even finally got my birthday lemon bars!!
Katie is 12 weeks old now... and on Tuesday she weighed in at 11 lbs! Where did that all come from????? She is doing wonderfully in every way. She smiles pretty often these days-- and though I've not had much luck capturing it on camera, she really just lights up.
Here are a couple pictures of the last few weeks with the kiddo!
Ellie was up to visit from Florida for Memorial Day --- we caught up for lunch! It was so great to see her-- I wish she still lived in Harrisburg so we could get out more often!
The peanut can push her self up pretty well these days... and from the way she's squirming those arms and legs.... I am sure she'll be mobile before we know it! (uhoh.... )
oh my she is just so cute! I love those fleecy frog pjs and hat. And her expression in the one where she is on her tummy. So cute!
Wow!...She is growing so fast and is SO adorable! I wish I could snuggle with her right now. So glad we have a place to see pictures of her - Thanks!
I would say it's about time, but I've said that before! I love that face, that wonderful, Katie face!
you have simply the most GORGEOUS baby girl ever... I hope I get to meet her soon, she's just so adorable!
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