Thursday, May 1, 2008

just a few quick pictures from the Florida Trip

I only have the one memory card at home with me... and its the one with the fewest pics.... but here are a couple of our day at the beach with Aunt Christina and Katie and a few from when we were stuck at dulles on the way home!

Katie in the ocean! (and this is finally a hat she is cute in!)

Mom, Katie and Aunt Christina at the Beach
Mom, Dad and Katie at the Beach.... Craig doesn't look burnt yet in this picture!

Stuck at Dulles for 6 hours--- here is Katies bodged together entertainment--- a dangling assortment of nonsense from our luggage attatched with velcro tie downs... she thought it was pretty cool!

1 comment:

MotherB said...

Oh, I needed that Katie fix. It just caught my breath when the photo popped up.