Sunday, October 21, 2007

HersheyPark in the Dark 2007

This weekend was the annual PSU gang goes to the park in October weekend. Along with the normal crew of Becky, Brian and Eric-- Bob was back home from Afghanistan (and the deep south!) and able to come along too. Barb and Jen (and Marc) weren't able to make it this year, but-- I'm pretty sure someone drank their share of the beer just in case.

So we spent a lovely brisk night walking the park and I ate a variety of fried foods and held sweatshirts while everyone else spun themselves silly on the rollercoasters.

Here are the boys (it took 5 minutes to get them lined up... sheesh, I didn't think I'd be running kids through the park for at least a few more years!!!!?!?!?!) But at least I captured them all laughing, so its a pretty good picture all in all.

Got one picture of the gang from college

One pic of the whole group... Craig's one of us now, whether he likes it or not!

And I am finally tall enough (as long as I wear thick sneakers) to ride all the rides at the park without adult supervision (ok... not that I would always consider the folks I was with as adequate "adult supervision" but still!) We decided to memorialize this momentous occasion with a picture.

Of course, they couldn't let me enjoy that for too long before reminding me that I am still short (or ankle biter height as they put it) by demonstrating my usefulness as an arm rest.
All in all, a great evening and I am very lucky to have nutty friends who still think nonsense like this is a great way to spend a weekend!


MotherB said...

Very lucky. And it's good to see Bob again. Last time we saw him it involved a very tacky painted Volkswagen.....

S. said...

Cute pics! I love Craig's sweatshirt--at first I was like, well, that's obnoxious, but then saw Homer. heehee! Glad you had fun!