Saturday, October 6, 2007

Or would you prefer cheesy lounge singer-televangelist version?


MotherB said...

Oh, heavens! Every time you think it just cannot get worse, there it is! WORSE!

Then there were the scary audience members, including that woman on the end of the row who couldn't get the sway to the music right.

Blonde child, please make her stop!

Anonymous said...

oh, I thought I was going to die... not with laughter but from the sheer horror!


Anonymous said...

Ok, I have to be honest... I always liked that song, even after hearing at every function at STS ever.

Considering how much Motherb and you Jesse like that song... I'm having it played at my wedding, twice, at least... :)

MotherB said...

Please do it AFTER I knock back the Jack (and I'm not talking Jesse's dad!).

Then I'll sing it too!