I have my massive yearly meeting-- the committee meeting in less than 2 weeks... I know I have gotten work done in the past year since the last one, but that means nothing if they don't think so. These are the people who decide when I get to go free and how much longer I get to work at slave labor-- ugh and who take their delight in making grad students remember that we really don't know as much as we think we do. This is nerve-wracking. Plus I have to put together an hour long seminar that covers everything I have done that worked or not and what I am going to do next and then start the desperate pleading to let me out sooner rather than later... ugh. Not looking forward to the next 2 weeks. I have to give my first draft of the presentation for my lab meeting on Tuesday-- and I don't even have all the data collected yet (not my fault-- histology took too long to process the samples) blah... this is not fun and this is the point every year where I start wondering why the heck I thought grad school was a good idea anyways-- who in their right mind signs up for this?!?!?!
Ugh- just stressed and annoyed and thinking I should just go be a cake baker for a living.
Ah, yes, one of those days. If it helps any, if you quit to become a cake baker, you will STILL have these days! Think of some of the Bridezillas you have seen over the years. Now, imagine them stiffing you for the cake because the flowers weren't mauve, they were lilac. See? No different.
Hang in there! And, yes, after hearing some of M.'s stories about the brides, I would choose undergrads to deal with any day! You will get through it, sending good thoughts your way!
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