Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Still confused, but bits of good news

Still unclear on what people are thinking-- I know Bush was unpopular--- but to think that a swing away from personal responsibility is the answer-- well, that I don't get!

There were some good bits of news coming out of the election cycle-- sadly the defeat of Murtha was not one of them-- that man is really a jerk.

Anyway, Californians upheld their previously passed and then knocked down by the judicial system act-- to limit marriage to a man and a woman. Whether you agree with the purpose of the bill or not. It does demonstrate the power of the voters over the power of judges which may become important again in the future.

A number of states had ballot issues surrounding affirmative action (a BIG pet peeve of mine!) Nebraska passed theirs banning state and local governments from giving preferential treatment to people on the basis of race, sex, ethnicity or national origin. YAY! I am pretty sure that even though we have elected a president of a different race-- many will still claim it is "impossible" for minorities to gain success without handouts based on skin-color, but we shall see. Nebraska joins CA, MI, and WA in similar bans. The decision in Colorado is still up in the air.


MotherB said...

Believe it or not, I have already heard a "talking head" say we haven't elected our first black president. Nope. See, he's only half black and now, in the eyes of those still locked on the plantation, he's not black enough. Stay tuned, kids, it's going to get interesting.

S. said...

Huh. Guess I was just hearing things when I heard Obama talk frequently about personal responsibility?

Don't worry--like I told Craig the assets he seizes will only be used to subsidize gay wedding cakes. ha! Kidding!