Murph and Tiki spent Thanksgiving at my parents-- and on the trip to retrieve them, we got to visit with my brother and his fiancee-- I only got one picture, but here it is!
Ok.. and a few gratuitous shots of the dog being well... the dog. He is utterly convinced that it is his duty to carry around HUGE branches... and then try and bring them in the house. Silly pup.
He is completely confused as to why he can't get inside, but nothing will convince him to just put DOWN the stick.
It's wonderful to see pictures of you all. You all look great!
That is hilarious!
Daniel says "They say dogs are like their owners."
How about you send the cookies anyway, and I promise not to share. ;)
He's a good dog. Only thing missing is his nice kerchief from his 5K Turkey Trot. He was a fine athlete that day. Even stopped at the water stops.
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