Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Final Cake Course

We had class one of the last cake decorating course last night-- Fondant and Gumpaste-- we dutifully picked up the tools and I packed all the items required for class this week and headed off-- but class was USELESS this week.
This week's topic-- tinting fondand and covering cakes with fondant-- I had that mastered 7 months ago-- BOOOOOO.

So I am hoping next week will be better-- if nothing else, Craig and I have picked a theme for the 2 cakes this course-- countries. So stay tuned for the current plan of one Ireland cake and one Spain cake-- this should be interesting.

(oh... and we may get in trouble... cause-- well, I can lay fondant better than the teacher-- sooo... well, I may have had to help fix her demo cake-- so... should be an interesting course)

The poo-machine crapped in the house AGAIN. So she's in the Murph's crate while we are not home. She needs to learn that she can't poo where she sleeps-- and she needs to have a small sleeping area for awhile to enforce that. (Not that murphy's crate is small by any definition)Hopefully we can get the mutt trained before too too long-- cause ugh... 4 year old neurotic midget dogs are not my thing-- and my patience is strechted VERY thin with her. Craig got Murphy trained, so hopefully he can work a miracle on this little monster.


S. said...

you gotta do what you gotta do. Whatever works, as long as you don't have to clean up dog poop. I hope that she cooperates with you and quits, I would do the same thing if I were you! Oh, FTR, while Charlie has his annoying habits, they are mostly puppy-related. He is not like Winnie at all. I really think you guys would like him!

MotherB said...

I think you are on to something there, kiddo. You know we used the crate with Maize and others along the way.

As for the cakes, most of us just want to see the photos! Can you make the Spanish cake look like a paella?