Friday, June 29, 2007
A few quick notes
2) The new car is still behaving wonderfully-- and we are heading out there to show it off!
3) Monday will be a great day cause the weener is GOING HOME!! Jane and Roy are back from Ireland this weekend and will be retreiving her on Monday... YAY!!! That's good for the weener to be back on her normal life and good for me cause there will be no more poo piles or dog fights during the night while I try and sleep.
4) Fourth of July means a day off work! And we have free hersheypark tickets that expire on the 4th--- so we may take an extra day off to do that next week too... should make for a very quick work week.
5) The new microscope is super-duper, and I can work it better than my boss, and he was THRILLED with the results I took yesterday and showed him this morning... so making me look good at work is always a nice bonus-- I think he's convinced to start writing this paper so I can get it out!!!!! (and FINALLY have a first author paper)
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I've been slacking
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Random Science Tuesday (yup, its that time again)
"Italian researchers published a new study last week that showed aspartame -- widely used in soft drinks -- might cause leukemia, lymphoma and breast cancer in rats."
"The CSPI said the Acceptable Daily Intake of aspartame in the United States is 50 mg per kilogram of body weight, equivalent to a 50-pound (20 kg) child drinking 2.5 cans of diet soda a day, or a 150-pound (68 kilogram) adult drinking about 7.5 cans a day.
The Italian researchers found a cancer risk at the very highest doses -- double the U.S. Acceptable Daily Intake."
So watch out for the aspartame-- don't panic, but start phasing it out.
Cool new lab grown skin grafts actually work!
"To have an off-the-shelf skin replacement product that can be used in large numbers of patients will revolutionize the treatment of burned and skin damaged patients,"
Check it out here!
Darwin would be Sad: Galapagos Tortises Are in Danger (and so are the iguanas, birds, and other various unique creatures)
"The United Nations on Tuesday declared Ecuador's Galapagos islands in danger as booming tourism and immigration threaten giant tortoises and blue-footed boobies unique to the archipelago."
Here's hoping they can get that under control-- cause a trip to the Galapagos is still VERY high on my list of dream trips... (right up there with back to Spain with Craig in tow, and Italy, and Ancient ruins in Greece)
My new car! Isn't she pretty.
All in all, a great day yesterday!! We got the Blazer traded in... and miraculously-- it started, and the AC worked and the 4-wheel drive worked when the appraiser was trying it out... and well, I guess the time we spent washing and waxing it on Sunday paid off-- cause they traded it for more than I was hoping for!!!! Yay!
So now the subaru is my car, and it runs nicely and the AC works, and it has a CD player and doesn't seem to drink near as much gas as the Blazer--- so I am overall pretty excited.
Plus it fit my basic car shopping requirements-- It doesn't guzzle gas, has modern safety equipment (eg- air bags and ABS) it would hold a 100lb golden retreiver (Murphy) and will hold a car seat. And as a bonus is has All Wheel drive-- so I am very happy with what I got-- oh and it only cost one arm and part of a leg-- so that was a nice bonus!!!!
Super great day yesterday-- topped off with yummy grilled hot dogs on the spiffy grill-- and even with the good hot dog buns for toasting-- the new england style ones. They toast so much better than the plain ones. YAY!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Introducing my (hopefully) new car!
and its Red!!!
This after test driving every other car in the known universe that was 4 door with a hatchback. Craig is thrilled cause its a subaru like his, and I am excited about the whole 26-32MpG. YAY... and did I mention its Red?!?! And I get a CD player, and I get AC and unlike the blazer lately-- it should start, and its All-wheel drive, and well... I am just really very excited to have a new car!
Stay tuned on Monday for even more excitement!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Weekend ahead
I've been looking around online and now I need to go try out some cars and see what I like. Should be fun-- with the Blazer I never had any choice, it was just presented to me as a take or leave it-- which don't get me wrong, I loved that car-- I just am looking forward to picking something out myself. I am kinda thinking I might like a "hatchback" style this time-- it will offer me some of the things I liked about my blazer-- while being smaller and better gas mileage. We'll have to wait and see what I find.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
me and my big mouth
Anyway, academia, bastion of far leftist thought that it is, may not have been the smartest place for me to expound on my beleifs. I think I am more worried because the head of my department heard my statements-- and I am pretty sure now thinks I am a member of the KKK. Honestly, nothing could be farther from the truth. I do not ever judge people on the color of their skin, only on the work that they do, the way they treat others, and the honesty in their hearts. Stating this got me into trouble. I take my philosophy to be against afirmative action.
AA judges people first on the color of their skin, not on WHO they are and WHAT they can do. I never want to be judged on different standards than people around me-- not based on my height, weight, ethnicity, family background-- anything. I have NEVER claimed special treatment based on those things (ok, other than a step ladder)-- and I never will. I want to know I am worthy of what I acheive. I think this basic right to know you are due what you acheive and that it was not handed to you unevenly is proper for every person.
I understand that sometimes AA gives people chances they would never have gotten without it, and that sometimes people succeed due to these chances. But I also have seen people use AA to get away with doing less work, use it as an excuse to try less, and use it to get a position and then be unqualified for that position. I think these are all invalid uses for the AA policy. I would much prefer a gender/race blind application process for colleges and jobs. Let the best candidate get the spot end of discussion. All this regulation of what percentage of any student body or office needs to be of each certain ethnicity is frankly ridiculous.
Diversity should be fostered not forced. Diversity takes many forms-- I have friends of different religions, races, politics, upbringing, sexual orientations,money status and who knows what else. I didn't pick them because they were black or lesbian or whatever. I picked them becuase they make good friends.
Why can't academia rely on its oh so touted "colorblindness" to develop diverse student bodies? Why do they have to rely on laws and altered standards??
ok, enough venting. Here's hoping I don't get signed up for sensitivity training or something now. I am not ashamed of how I feel about this stuff... but by now I should have enough self preservation instinct to not spout off in front of professors I know are way way way way far left of me. (Craig by the way, thinks I should have gone further with explaining why AA is not a good plan)
Is it real? Should I believe it???
Would you read it if you knew where the ending was?
Can't wait for the book (and the movie)
After 2 years with no raises, no cost of living increases, no hope of it ever getting better.... we get a whole extra $500/year. Not wonderful... and not what the keep promising us. But a heck of a lot better than nothing!
"Dear Students,
I am pleased to inform you that graduate student stipends for all full-time PhD students at the COM will be raised 2% for the 2007-2008 academic year to $21,187.
Consistent with the principles established in the past, this stipend will be paid over 12 months as follows:
Fall 2007 - ½ time graduate assistant - grade 16 - $1764.00 per month August through December
Spring 2008 - ½ time graduate assistant - grade 16 - $1764.00 per month January through May
Summer 2008 - wage payroll as graduate lecturer/graduate researcher -$1773.50 per month in June and July
Please remember that your summer wages are subject to tax witholding, so the amount of your summer checks may be slightly less than $1773.50 depending on your personal situation; please budget accordingly.
Dr. Verderame"
(this last part about the taxes pisses me off to no end-- it was changed to be like this under the table with no chance to complain-- just last year)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
wussy cake instructor
So class is pushed back one week now. Next week will be lesson 3... and then into July to finish the course.
And now to go bake off some wings! Its Wing night... tonight's flavors
Store bought chile-lime
Semi-Homemade honey BBQ
Jesse's Hot as she can figure out how to make them Hot Wings
Sweet and Spicy Ginger Soy Wings (new trial recipe)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Science Tuesday!
"Chemists at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, Wash., have come up with a way to efficiently and cleanly turn such naturally occurring sugars into plastics, making Tupperware from trees a real possibility."
Your smoking is hurting the kiddos: AKA... no duh, I have been telling people this since I was 5... AKA Why doesn't my Father-in-Law quit already?!?!
" Babies with at least one parent who smokes have five times as much cotinine, a nicotine byproduct, in their urine than infants whose parents are non-smokers, UK researchers report."
Back when I was your age, Pluto was a Planet; Pluto falls even farther behind Eris
"The decision was a dark day for Pluto lovers. Still, they held out hope that the icy world would remain the heavyweight of the Kuiper belt"
That's it from the random roundup of today's amusing science news. Hope everyone feels a little smarter from their reading, or at least can win a random bet or something.
Bits and pieces
I've got a long and hectic procedure at work today, so I am hoping to be out of here by 5. The one thing I can say about this procedure is that when it is done I have TON of data. So its nice to show the boss that I can be productive-- it just makes for an unpleasant work day. Keep your fingers crossed that it works!
Here is one pic of a previous run of this experiment. The procedure takes mouse boobs (yes, the techinical term) and turns them into a

Other than a big science day, we have cake class tonight--- no actual cake this week, just working with fondant and gumpaste-- we're learning carnations, "fantasy flowers" and daisies. Should be a quick and easy class. I'll try and get some pics up tomorrow for everyone to see.
Also-- if you have any recommendations for an affordable reliable car-- 4 door, decent gas mileage (ok, so anything will be better than the blazer was), has a radio, good safety record, would hypothetically hold a car seat and associated progeny related crap, that doesn't look awful-- please, let me know.
The blazer is dead (may she rest in peace) and I need to find a new car. I figure I am going to have the new one for a bunch of years, so practicality is important. All suggestions of models or makes are welcome!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The dog days of summer
A very happy, very wet, very tired Murphy!
After snoozing the morning away on Saturday and a quick lunch at Moe's with Kim. Craig and I headed over to Shelley and Erin's with the Murphinator and some movies. We hung out in the pool for the afternoon to beat the heat (did I mention I kinda hate summer)-- and then grilled up some hot dogs and kielbasa and watched some movies. (Pursuit of Happyness-- very good, I enjoyed-- wholeheartedly recommend and Open Season-- kinda blah... except for the last 25 minutes where the animals attack-- brassiere clad deer antlers being used to slingshot toasting forks with flaming marshmallows-- maybe a kids movie? not a great plot-- some funny moments)
Murph LOVED swimming, and though we left behind enough fur in the pool to build at least 3 more dogs-- he had a great time swimming with their lab Nick. We had to eventually lift the murph out of the pool and make him rest-- he would have swum himself into exhaustion. He was a very very very happy dog.
In an added bonus... adding some Murphy kibble to the weeners diet seems to have helped! no messes on friday night, saturday at all, or sunday!!! woohoo. (she was eating out of his bowl anyways.. so we just went with it)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Craig and I at the Reception
Congrats Mike and Leah! Well, the wedding went off without a snag. After keeping the groom busy and calm on Friday night-- and making him go to bed-- and doing my best to convince him to eat on Saturday morning, I was there from noon on to run errands, get blood out of the best man's collar (hooray for the tide pen!), fluff skirts, retie corsets, calm nerves, repeat instructions, alter the bride's gown so it wouldn't fall off and distribute tissues. My days as a wedding planner were fun--- but EXHAUSTING! I have no idea how Kim did it all-- and did a WAY better job then I ever could have. This cameraphone pic is from midway through the reception-- we finally got a chance to relax and enjoy!
Craig, Kim, and I stayed til the very end (1AM!!!) to pack up gifts and clean up the hall. Craig and I were THANKED by the newlyweds by name in their toast.. which was incredibly sweet (and utterly unnecessary)-- we were happy to help out and glad to be able to wish them well on their big day.
I was given a centerpiece to take home, and as long as Tiki stays out of it-- it should last for a few days-- and it is certainly very pretty. I will work on getting a pic of it on here.
At the rehearsal
Just a quick cellphone snap shot of Mike and Leah at their rehearsal. The church was lovely-- a church in the round with all sides in stained glass. Beautiful! Particularly with the afternoon sun shining through-- everything was in colors.
Friday, June 15, 2007
FYI-- the muttley
The internet has lots of ideas-- I may try some chicken (no fat) with some plain oatmeal (a different grain)-- so hopefully tomorrow I can try that. The vet sites I have been reading suggest having her off food and water for 12 hours to try and clear everything up--- so we may end up trying that too. She's still gobbling down food and water without pausing to breathe--- so maybe giving her stomach a chance to settle for a little will help. (At least, I sure hope so....)
Keep your fingers crossed.
FINALLY! A post that won't mention poo.... (well, I won't mention it after the title)
not strep.. well, I think?
Last night I met Leah's mom and got my translating duties figured out, then went for pizza "Old world style" The sauce was over the cheese... odd, but tasty. Craig and I met Mike and Leah's family and hung out for awhile. Then we tied 130 little multi colored bows on their programs. So, I have paid back the time she helped me tie bows on all my programs.
Tonight is rehearsal and rehearsal dinner-- yay food!
mini-doglet crapped 4 times last night in our bedroom doorway. and then vomited huge piles on the rug... what do I do with her?!?!?! The food she is getting is obviously not agreeing with her, but its what we were told to feed her. Any suggestions for gentle on puppy stomach meals? Cause a few more days of this... and well... I'm either going to super-glue her back end shut or she's going to have to be an outdoor dog. (ok, I'm only venting, but really... something has got to change)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Strep? and other ramblings
Oh yeah.. and this morning, my car started smoking. Yuck. I really need to get a new car. and soon. I hate to say goodbye to the blazer, but it barely runs anymore-- its just not reliable. I need something that I KNOW will start-- and gets some better gas mileage too. Time to start looking more seriously for a new (to me) car. Not an expense I am looking forward to at all.
Work is ok, we're getting a new imaging system in today that could make my life a LOT easier-- that is, if it works. I have to go demo it at 1pm. Keep your fingers crossed. Green glowing mice are good!
In other news-- Winnie is a moron. After her long walk this morning, she came inside and immediately crapped on the rug. Then turned around and ATE it?!?! WTF? This dog has serious issues.
Another day of science
Genetically Modified Food-- Really, It IS good for you.
New genes mean less pesticides and better nutrition. (so take that Euro-hippies)
Rest of the World says "No DUH!" to inbreeding polygamists.
If you marry your cousin, your kids will have problems.
What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger" (and by YOU I mean the E. coli)
Antibacterial Soaps and cleaners good for Bacteria, bad for people. C'mon folks, all were doing is breeding super-germs. (Multidrug resistant strains anyone???) Feel free to use alcohol containing sanitizers, but save the antibacterials for when they are REALLY needed.
Goodbye Mr. Wizard. You'll be missed.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Sad Pirate Happy Pirate
Irish Cake
On a review of the Guinness cake-- VERY GOOD. Not overly sweet. Nicely moist. Dense enough to take icing, just be careful of cut surfaces as it makes a LOT of crumbs. This cake domed a fair amount when I baked it, so it required some leveling. I am not sure if that is a me specific problem or a problem due to the recipe, so be warned.
I filled and frosted it with an Irish Cream/Cream Cheese Butter Cream. No more of that nasty crisco icing we had to use before. Other than getting mildly buzzed by evaporating alcohol fumes while whipping the icing, it really doesn't have too much of an alcohol taste to it. (Much.... can I serve this to my intern? He's only 19... of course, when I mentioned what kind of cake it was his response was "Cool, an Irish Car Bomb in a cake" so I have a feeling I am not the one doing the corrupting here!)
There are some lumps and bumps in the fondant on this one-- we were using the base cake to demo different techniques and then just did this as the way to leave it finally-- so it had stuff "glued" on and then pulled off which left it less than perfect under there. This one is pretty simple as class this week was to cover a cake in fondant-- we didn't learn any flowers or anything else, so its a basic cake.Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Guinness Cake
Our Craptacular Neighbors
Sometime after 10, I went across the street to ask them to cool it with the reving engines, as it was getting pretty late. I got mocked. And one of them complained that Craig while mowing the lawn got grass clippings on his bike. I laughed and said there was no way I was going to complain-- my husband mowed the lawn -- as far as I cared, that was good.
So the moron troupe continued their noisy revelry into the night-- keeping the future Jerry Springer kiddo stars out and shreiking as the adults kept drinking and hollering. Seriously, what is wrong with people. This was a MONDAY night. Not a weekend-- not a holiday. Not that any of those excuses rude neighbors and their trashy guests-- but seriously-- 30 people drinking and motorcycling and shouting at 11 at night on a Monday?!?! There is just no reason.
Any one have any ideas on how to deal with this. They are just awful neighbors. I don't want to start a war with them, but I don't think I should have to deal with their carrying-on all the time.
Tempting as it is to just sit on the porch with a shotgun and pick them off for the betterment of the human gene pool-- I am pretty sure that is illegal... and immoral. So any realistic solutions are more than welcome. Meanwhile, I will pay a damn sight more attention to the neighborhood before we buy our next home-- and keep praying that those three rental properties across the street get sold out from under them to nice normal families.
Oh, and NEVER NEVER NEVER will I let my (hypothetical) kids play in those peoples houses or be unattended while they are around. They're just BAD BAD BAD news.
On a side note-- not all our neighbors are awful, its really just the 3 rentals across the street from us-- and one more up the block a little ways. Most of our neighbors are young families, who work hard, and try and keep their properties up-- but a few bad apples... well, you know the story.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Anyway, to all my visitors-- Please feel free to comment, leave a message, 0r whatever-- I'd love to know who out there is reading this.
To Kiki- thanks for being brave and commenting-- nice to meet a reader!
Friends and family-- hope you are enjoying these silly messages and a chance to catch glimpses of Craig and my life in the pics I post.
Weekend in Review and plans for the week
More exciting was that we then went to dinner at Passage to India in Harrisburg. Delicious as always-- and even better when we had a buy one dinner get one free coupon! (for once hubby's need to save every piece of junk mail we get worked out for the better!!) I had some sort of lamb -- lamb Rogun Josh or something like that. It was quite tasty-- not too spicy-- just nicely flavored. And as a bonus, there were enough for leftovers-- I just have to make up some rice-- that's the kind of dinner I can handle any night-- even when it is 90 in my kitchen.
Today we got some laundry done, I got my veggies transplanted outside (heres hoping they survive), polyurethaned the outdoor sink and the new front door step, and got the guest room cleaned out for this coming weekend's guest. Not too bad a day-- the good thing about laundry folding is that it is the ideal fit for chick flicks! Today-- Circle of Friends, Dance with Me --Vanessa Williams AND Chayanne! ;-)-- and When Harry Met Sally-- one of my all time favorites ever. So it was a nice afternoon. Craig is locked down in the dungeon working on his homework for his online course. I guess that's what I get for encouraging him to go back to school and get his Master's finished up. Two of us in grad school... what was I thinking?!?!?!
This week looks to be a full one. Monday has my semi-monthly or whenever we remember to schedule it rotating dinner with two of my friends from grad school, Tuesday brings cake class -- stay tuned. The first cake we're doing this time is "Ireland"-- Should be pretty good. (and yes, I will share recipes) Wednesday is wings night here again. Thursday Craig and I have dinner at our friends who are getting married this weekend to meet their parents who we'll be helping get around while they are here, then Friday rehearsal/dinner with the to-be-wed Mike and Leah, and finally Saturday is their wedding. Should all be fun, but some Sunday I will definitely be looking forward to a NAP!
Stay tuned- I should get some decent pics to share this week. If nothing else, I have a pic of Craig in a pirate hat that is BEGGING to be shared!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
so far so good!
I got home from work, let her out of the crate-- took her for a walk immediately-- she went OUTDOORS-- no mess in the crate nothing! sooo yay!
Then we come back in-- she happily wanders around-- gets a drink and then goes to lay down and sleep-- IN HER BOX. I didn't do anything-- I came back in the room and she had settled her self down in there and fallen asleep! YAYAYAYAY!!! Since I have been home she has wandered in and out of the crate quite happily as long as I just leave the door open--- she comes when I call and then sometimes just goes back in the crate on her own--- there may be hope for the little monster after all! She seems to get that the crate is HER den and is comfy there. Lets hope this continues---
No poo on my floor!!!!!!
I will have to get a pic up here of her chilling in the crate-- she seems very at peace there.
Final Cake Course
This week's topic-- tinting fondand and covering cakes with fondant-- I had that mastered 7 months ago-- BOOOOOO.
So I am hoping next week will be better-- if nothing else, Craig and I have picked a theme for the 2 cakes this course-- countries. So stay tuned for the current plan of one Ireland cake and one Spain cake-- this should be interesting.
(oh... and we may get in trouble... cause-- well, I can lay fondant better than the teacher-- sooo... well, I may have had to help fix her demo cake-- so... should be an interesting course)
The poo-machine crapped in the house AGAIN. So she's in the Murph's crate while we are not home. She needs to learn that she can't poo where she sleeps-- and she needs to have a small sleeping area for awhile to enforce that. (Not that murphy's crate is small by any definition)Hopefully we can get the mutt trained before too too long-- cause ugh... 4 year old neurotic midget dogs are not my thing-- and my patience is strechted VERY thin with her. Craig got Murphy trained, so hopefully he can work a miracle on this little monster.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Katie and James are Married!

Here is one quick picture of Craig and I from the reception-- Craig was enjoying the "Moby's"-- a special rum drink recipe from Katie's family-- so he had a pretty good time!
The remainder of this weekend was spent hiding in our room-- the only air conditioned room in the place-- amazingly, you can now see the floor-- we dug out all the boxes and bins of stuff and sorted out winter clothing that could be stored away in the attic or cellar for the next few months and now you can actually WALK in our room--without tripping! The plan is to allow the Murph and the poo-machine in the room tonight so they can enjoy the AC as well. I think for Tiki's well being... she'll be just as happy to stay out of there and have the run of the house in peace!
In the interest of peace I did rid myself of a few pairs of shoes this weekend as well-- Craig seems to beleive that two laundry baskets full is too many--- he fails to understand how I can NEED 5 different pairs of black sandals (the casual pair, the super high heel strappy ones, the semi-casual dress pair, the flip flops, the comfy but still dressy pair etc...) So I discarded a few pairs that were well past their prime-- including my FAVORITE sandals of all time-- these are the ones my mom called the "spartacus" sandals-- brown leather, criss-crossed straps, flat soles-- I wore these things to death-- across Europe, through college, they went with anything and were so very comfortable-- my dad had given them a second life with a few rivets 3 years ago-- and I had nursed them through last summer with glue and tacks-- but the time has come to say goodbye---and so this afternoon-- I tossed them in the trash--- of course-- this means I have to go get some new ones right?!?!?!
Craig is hiding in the cellar working on his HW for his online class-- its cool there and it means I get sole control over the TV! (so with a choice of 5 channels-- there's not too much to argue over-- but still!)
This week cake class starts up again on Tuesday and I've got my first full week with Undergrad Guy--- so it should be a busy week. I think I have one more fitting to go to with a friend for her wedding dress and I have to put together a wedding emergency kit to take to her wedding on June 16th--- its my turn to play "Kim" for a change and deal with all the nonsense that pops up so she doesn't have to worry-- Hrm... I should make sure the guest room isn't too bad either as we are keeping the groom the night before the wedding.
Big news over at my SIL's blog-- she's got all her paperwork to Vietnam and is #1 on the waiting list for a little girl--- looks like our new niece will be here before too long!
And as for my future SIL-- she's a trooper-- she survived her first entire weekend at my parents this weekend! And my Mom only had wonderful things to say-- about her and about her pup who came to visit too! So apparently the nuttiness that is my family hasn't completely scared her off-- and we are thrilled that she'll be one of us!