Here's a newer photo pf Katie. Her eyes are definitely changing color.
We were married November 4th, 2006 and since then have been working on our home and are busy wrangling our little girl born on March 3rd 2008. All while I muddle my way through year 6 of my PhD and Craig works on his graduate degree.
My Mom was here to visit on Sunday and helped me make up a bunch of foods for the peanut to try-- we made butternut and acorn squash, yams, carrots, green beans and nectarines-- not as hard as I had figured, but I was very glad for the help! Frozen cubes of food are now stacked to the gills in the freezer just waiting on their turn to be used as a body paint by the munchkin.
YUM. Thanks Dada
I can soooo do this myself, just give me that spoon.
This food on a spoon stuff isn't too bad!